How regular are the lessons?

How regular are the lessons?

How regular are the lessons?Dawn Strachan
Published on: 23/10/2024

The frequency of the lessons is completely at your discretion. Some families will request a couple of lessons a week, for others once a month is sufficient

Do you offer a getting to know you lesson?

Do you offer a getting to know you lesson?

Do you offer a getting to know you lesson?Dawn Strachan
Published on: 16/10/2024

The first lesson is always free. This first lesson will take the form of getting to know you, how you work, and what you would like to focus on. It will not take the form of a test.

What age range do you work with?

What age range do you work with?

What age range do you work with?Dawn Strachan
Published on: 07/10/2024

We work with children from reception to the end of GCSEs, in addition we work with adults who are returning to education or looking to improve their own knowledge and studying an equivalent of a GCSE qualification
